Friday, November 16, 2012



An ankle sprain is one of the most common types of musculoskeletal injuries.  Sometimes referred to as a ‘twisted ankle’ or a ‘rolled ankle’, an ankle sprain is where one or more ligaments of the ankle are torn or partially torn. 


The function of ligaments is to connect bones to form joints.  Ligaments are tough fibrous connective tissue which when stretched beyond their normal limits, will tear.
In the ankle, there are three main types of sprains:

  • Inversion injury - caused by the ankle rolling inward and damaging one or more of the lateral ligaments, which are located on the outside of the ankle.  This is the most common type of ankle sprain.
  • Eversion injury - a less common injury affecting the medial ligament on the inside of the ankle
  • High ankle spain or syndesmotic ankle sprain - affecting the ligaments connecting the lower portions of the tibia and fibula.  This type of injury is caused by the lower leg and foot being twisted out.


Physiotherapy for ankle sprains is aimed at reducing pain and swelling in the ankle and restoring strength and function.  Too often ankle sprains are left untreated, leading to problems with instability and further injury down the track.
Our physiotherapist will take a detailed history to determine the cause of your sprain and perform a physical assessment to determine its severity.
Treatment may include RICER, strengthening and proprioceptive (balance) exercises, and advice regarding return to sport, strapping or bracing.

Contact for more information ... 050 8753450

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