Monday, December 22, 2014

Care Your Pregnancy During Winter Season

If you are pregnant, the onset of winter should warrant special care. Along with the persistent lowering of temperature, winter is associated with flu like infections, common colds, chills etc. The prevalent dryness or lack of moisture in the air is also a phenomenon to be careful about. Pregnancy care during winter should ideally comprise of measures to elevate immunity levels by consuming right kind of food, keeping the skin hydrated and choosing the right garments for adequate protection.

Tips for Pregnancy Care during winter:

  • Sticking to a fruit rich diet is advised to ensure a robust immunity level. Some specific ones such as Indian Gooseberry must be especially included in your daily meals.
  • Ask your doctor about vitamins and immunity boosting supplements that can be administered to you during pregnancy. Never consume pills without your doctor or caregiver's advice.
  • Keep your system hydrated by consuming plenty of water, healthy fluids and juices. A well hydrated system is capable of combating illnesses in winter. Make sure that you cut down on caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee, aerated colas  etc. Choose herbal preparations such as green tea instead.
  • Choose to keep your skin hydrated at all times as well. Winter would rob your skin off its natural moisture and oils. Therefore, frequent application of creams, soothing oils and lotions is mandatory. As your abdomen expands, the skin will also be subject to stretching and stretching of dry skin is painful. The incidence of stretch marks in such cases would also be more.
  • It is equally essential to keep your system adequately protected from Winter chills to avoid associated illnesses. In case you find woollen garments itchy and uncomfortable, as will most often be the case, choose soft flannel warmers instead. Make sure you buy clothes of comfortable size so that they fit on you comfortably without clinging on to your skin. The garments should not be too tight around your waist.
  • Pregnancy care during winter should involve plenty of exercise and physical activity for keeping healthy and fit. Therefore, it would be very important to battle wintertime laziness and resort to permissible physical activity in accordance with your doctor's advice.

Furthermore, you should refrain from consuming an excess of food from restaurants and stick to healthy meals. Giving in to an occasional craving should not cause too many problems.